CP 286 Viral communication
286 Viral Communication
Hi people
Fred here, currently with maybe 6 months of sitting on me bum wondering what I’ll
do to keep both of us sane.
I pray to the
Father and ask that you all be safe and well, and regardless of how it is for
you that your faith remain firm.
I’ve been
thinking for a while now that I’d write a series of eight or nine CrossPurposes
entitled, ‘From the desk of the grumpy parson’. Given the current state of
things I’ve decided to can that and simply share some good and encouraging
stuff that might happen to come past my vision.
What a
strange time we live in. The worst drought in living memory followed by the
most severe fire storms anybody currently alive in this country has ever experienced.
Next thing we knew there were terrible floods in some places where two weeks
earlier everything had been razed! And now the virus, which was upon us with
the speed of a bullet train. There has been one word used more than any other –
apart from coronavirus – these last months, and that word is unprecedented. Thank God our faith is
anchored on The Rock of Ages whose kingdom cannot be shaken! We’ll keep our
eyes fixed on Jesus.
A different view of keeping a social-distance
Speaking of
where our eyes are fixed: We live 200 metres from the bike path along the coast
so we have the option still of riding for exercise. There are plenty of others
out there. What’s fascinating is that almost all the over 40’s are happy to say
G’day as you go by. Far and away among the under 40’s you get nothing because
of the cables going into each ear! They’re on the bike path too but they are not
‘there’ in an aware sense. It’s a different way of being social for so many
Speaking of which - From Ginger Meggs:
There are
people who fancy themselves as connoisseurs of good food. We call them Foodies.
Lots of
people love the Star Trek series. We call them Trekkies.
A fair
proportion of our workforce are tradesmen, but we call them Tradies.
There's a whole bunch of people driving big rigs around this country. We call them Truckies.
There's a whole bunch of people driving big rigs around this country. We call them Truckies.
So what name
might we bestow on those who spend all their time with their mobiles glued to
their ears? Phoneys!
Bloke called Martin when the plague arrived 500 years ago
shall ask God mercifully to protect us. Then I shall fumigate, help purify the
air, administer medicine, and take it. I shall avoid places and persons where
my presence is not needed in order not to become contaminated and thus
perchance infect and pollute others, and so cause their death as a result of my
negligence. If God should wish to take me, he will surely find me and I have
done what he has expected of me and so I am not responsible for either my own
death or the death of others. If my neighbour needs me, however, I shall not
avoid place or person but will go freely, as stated above. See, this is such a
God-fearing faith
because it is neither brash nor foolhardy and does not tempt God."
because it is neither brash nor foolhardy and does not tempt God."
(Via a friend)
Most days
I get to send out a bible verse. Here’s last Friday.
’God is our refuge
and strength,
a very present help in trouble.
Therefore we will not fear though markets crash
a very present help in trouble.
Therefore we will not fear though markets crash
and kingdoms shake.
Amid the pain and panic, foaming and fear,
Amid the pain and panic, foaming and fear,
the grief and
groaning, trembling and trauma…
BE STILL and know
that Jesus your Lord reigns.
(Psalm 46 sort of…)
And finally…
The answer to a
question you haven’t been asking but you’ve heard.
There’s been some
discussion in the media about whether you can catch the Covid-19 virus from your pets, in
particular from your pooches. The World Health Organisation has considered this
and consulted the experts and they said, ‘No you can’t.’
So now we know… WHO
let the dogs out!
Please love each
other, be available for others if needs be… and be humble, gentle and patient
always… just like Him.
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