Thursday, May 30, 2024

CP 299 Right - and wrong - accidental words

CP 299 Accidental right – or wrong – words Sometimes a different word comes out of your mouth, or off your lips, than what you meant to say. Sometimes it’s good. Sometimes it’s not. A very simple example happened to me about 15 years ago when I sent all of you an email with the latest CrossPurposes and addressed you as Dear FIENDS! That was an accidental misspelling. I had another beauty a couple of weeks ago while I was doing the committal at a funeral service for a much loved 95 year old woman. I got to the point where the Pastor says, ‘Therefore we commit her body to be…’ Now I would have sworn that I used the words to be cremated. However, my darling wife, who is so used to me that I believe she expects me to stumble, declares to one and all that what I actually said was, …to be CREATED! In the context of faith that’s not a bad mistake on my part, don’t you think? Having shared that, I thought I’d remind you of a story I wrote about in my ‘It Happens – Grace Surprises’ book from 2007. I happened on a November Confirmation Sunday in 1986. With all eleven young people making ready to publicly declare their faith, the place was packed to the rafters. All the eleven children to be confirmed were sitting in a row across the front of the church. As usual I got all the children present that day to come forward for the kids’ talk. I asked them if they could tell me what was different about the church today. Answers came: There’s lots of people, the flowers are bigger and better, the colours of the altar cloths have changed from green to red, there are different banners on the wall, and more in that vein. My second question was, “Well, what’s happening here today?” Young Werner, whose two older brother were among those confirming their faith in Jesus Christ as Saviour and Lord that day, immediately shot up his hand. “Yes, Werner?” I asked. “Ah… ah… ah… ah… ah… ah ...” I guess you know what it’s like. Werner’s “ahs” went on, and on, and on, and on. I did everything I could to encourage him. “Yes?” It didn’t help. “Ah… ah… ah… ah…” The congregation became utterly still, straining to hear what Werner might answer. Eventually the ah … ah… changed to, “These people behind us ah… ah… ah… ah… are going to get ah… ah… ah… CRUCIFIED!” The congregation roared… and paid no more attention. Me? Totally thrown by such an unexpected answer. The moment was lost and all I could do was wrap it up faster than you could say boo. It was only later, perhaps a year or so later, and after some reflection, that I realised my young friend had spoken God’s own truth that day! Pure inspiring theology. Jesus did say, “Unless you take up your cross and follow me you cannot be my disciple.”

Monday, April 29, 2024

CP 298 The work of our Police Forces as ‘Daily Bread”. On March 21 this year in Chicago, 5 plainclothes police officers in an unmarked car stopped a vehicle being driven by a black man, Dexter Reed. According to Chicago's Civilian Office of Police Accountability the reason was “purportedly for a seatbelt violation." The officers, who did not identify themselves, pointed their guns at Reed and fired 83 times in roughly 27 seconds. Reed then “exited the vehicle, unarmed, with hands empty and raised." Four of the officers then fired another 13 additional bullets at him as he lay face down and motionless on the street, including 3 times in the back. That's 96 shots in 41 seconds. It took two weeks before the Civilian Office released body-camera footage of the incident, alleging that Reed appeared to fire first at the officers. Witnesses dispute that allegation. Dexter Reed's mother? 'They shot him down like he was an animal... They executed him!' Three weeks later, on Saturday April 13, a 40 year old man with serious mental health issues, entered Westfield Plaza at Bondi Junction in Sydney. Wielding a large knife, Joel Cauchi stabbed 14 people, mostly women, six of whom subsequently died. His deadly rampage was ended by Police Inspector Amy Scott who fired one shot! Immediately after she shot the attacker, she began applying CPR! The family of Mr Cauchi? In a statement released through Queensland Police they said they had "no issues" with Insp Scott as "she was only doing her job to protect others, and we hope she is coping alright". Our reactions? No doubt there are stories within stories here. Police forces are often in the news for good, and not good, reasons. The difference between the two situations described above, and the police responses, is so stark I can hardly comprehend it. However, you may be surprised that one on my strongest internal reactions has been to think of the petition in the Lord’s Prayer concerning Daily Bread. Here is our catechism explanation of Daily Bread What is meant by daily bread? ‘Daily bread includes everything that has to do with the support and needs of the body, such as food, drink, clothing, shoes, house, home, land, animals, money, goods, a devout husband or wife, devout children, devout workers, devout and faithful rulers, good government, good weather, peace, health, self-control, good reputation, good friends, faithful neighbours, and the like.’ (Martin Luther) My point? We can count ourselves truly blessed when the Police Forces in our lives exercise their authority with diligence and integrity, and thereby establish the community security and protection we all need from day to day. Honest and strong policing is daily bread for us and we can receive it with thanks. Not always so We need not pretend that what I have outlined is everybody’s normal experience. We wish. Sin abounds. Wherever there is ‘power’ there is and will be sin. Our history in this country is replete with shameful episodes and multiple failures. But as the actions of Inspector Amy Scott at Bondi Junction remind us, the police do do good things. That’s all the more reason to think of honest and effective policing when we pray the Lord’s Prayer. Be blessed in Him, our Lord Jesus Christ. Fred

Friday, June 30, 2023

CP 297 The Flag, The Voice and the Lobbyists

CP 297 The Flag, the Voice and the Lobbyists Greeting friends. Back in 2019 I wrote a personal reflection about the Australian Flag, in particular about how I have come to see it as an excluding / exclusive symbol rather than an including / inclusive one, in regard to all my indigenous brothers and sisters in this ‘Great South Land’. Much of what I wrote then is vibrantly relevant to the current VOICE debate. Most indigenous people have long wanted to be genuinely ‘heard’ – not in a condescending way – but truly listened to and heard. I invite you to read my screed, which is reprinted below. One comment before you do. A frequently and loudly declared fear about the Voice concerns the belief of some that the Voice will bestow a power to the indigenous people to change the Constitution to suit themselves. Not so of course. Only the whole Australian people can do that. What I would point out to you is that a huge number of organisations and groups already have their own personal voices in the Federal Parliament and those voices can be very loud. They are the Consultants and Lobbyists. Much of their power is exercised in secret. There are close to 1000 Lobbyists registered with the Government although most observers think the true figure is triple that. Many of the thousands of ‘Consultants’ have their offices within the politicians’ offices. Again, most are perfectly legitimate but there is also a dark side to the efforts of some. PWC comes to mind. Just as bad is the fact that some politicians have become a Voice for the lobbyists. Think names like Obeid, Macdonald, and a host of others in our news this week. Let’s be gracious. Let the voice of the invisible and marginalised be heard. Yes! ********************* “I am a proud Australian. I am proud to be an Australian. I may have been born in the Netherlands but I have never regretted, even for a moment, the decision of my parents to bring me here over 66 years ago. I loved my Australian childhood. I loved the footy and the cricket, the river and all the other outdoor stuff. I connected with Anzac day even as a child at primary school. I loved the story of Simpson and his donkey, I rejoiced in the cleverness of the strategic withdrawal from Anzac Cove. I always knew there was a cost to the Great War. I still do. On the one hand, Mr Wilson, who lived in the street behind ours, who supplied most of the beer bottles we sold to the bottle-O each year, had lost a leg in that war and self-medicated with alcohol. On the other hand, the enormity of the statistics about Australian soldiers in WW1 still stuns me. Out of a population of just under 5 million, more than 400,000 men and women went to fight in our name. Of these, 60,000 never came home. Around 156,000 were injured. Even as a young person I wondered what was in their hearts and the hearts of those here at home in the years that followed. The history of the 2nd world war brought more pride in my Australia. The Rats of Tobruk stories lifted me. The bravery of the Aussies on the Kokoda Track inspired me. The suffering at Changi and on the Burma railway not only appalled me but somehow became my own. However, my Aussie identity was about much more than war. ‘We’ conquered the bush, ‘we’ developed the wool and wheat industries, ‘we’ took on the Poms and the Windies and, more often than not, ‘we’ won. We all loved Steele Rudd, Banjo Patterson and Henry Lawson. Ned Kelly became ‘our’ legendary figure. Australian history became my favourite subject. It still is. We live in the lucky country with wealth for toil, and boundless plains to share. It is gift and joy to live in this vast timeless land. As I grew older that pride blossomed at sporting events, especially when we began to sing the anthem as a crowd. It was not so much an Ocker thing as it was the sense of privilege that I lived in this country. There is a spirit about us Australians which is noticeably and notably different from elsewhere. It’s about the freedom to be who I am, to do what I do, to move when I want to move, and never have to kowtow to any authoritarian types or snobbish elites. It’s about the respect we have for the common man and woman, the integrity, the mutual support, the courage and the compassion. This is not just about sporting prowess. It is a growing reality in all walks of our lives, regardless of how much we grumble about the tall poppy syndrome. We have matured more than we know, and we celebrate Aussies doing well in whatever field we happen to work and play. Inevitably all of my pride and joy in being an Aussie expressed itself in the flag. It became the important visual symbol which captured this spirit of joyful inspiration. I came to own my own flag, to fly it and to display it, especially on Anzac day and Australia Day, and at international events like the Olympics. And then something changed. It began ever so slowly, probably from the time we drove around Oz on long-service leave in 1995 and observed something of the continuing aboriginal communities. There was a shift in the way I came to see Australia. There were no doubt many subtle influences of which I was not aware. However a number of ‘awakenings’ caused a conscious rethink to gather a head of steam. The first happened during 2006 when I took three of my grandchildren to the Museum near Hyde Park in Sydney. We were there for a dinosaur exhibition. We moved on to the museum’s Indigenous exhibition. I was standing next to one of the boys looking at one of those distressing photos taken in the WA Kimberly in the early 1900’s of aboriginal men chained together from neck-collar to neck-collar. I’d seen it before. My grandson hadn’t and his response cut through me: ‘That’s not right!’ The second awakening happened soon afterwards in Hyde Park itself. We lived nearby. One day, walking through the Park I ventured sideways to have a look at the statue erected to honour the memory of Captain James Cook. The inscription reads, ‘Discovered these territories 1770.’ In an instant I finally got a grasp of the evil behind the dismissal and invisibility of the original inhabitants of this great land that has blessed me so. The third ‘game changer’ was stumbling onto the extraordinary research work of a team from the University of Newcastle about documentable frontier mass killings of indigenous people since 1788. Reading this research on numerous atrocities was shocking, humbling, anger-inspiring and depressing, all at same time. Our wealth and abundance in this luckiest of countries is built on the convenient myth of the empty land. (If my memory serves me well, this despicable myth – Terra Nullius – arose from a decree issued by a Victorian Governor during the 1800’s.) There were many more moments, but the fourth awakening, which has turned me into a campaigner who doesn’t know how to campaign, was a headline in the Sydney Morning Herald on January 22, 2018. Here it is: FIRST FLEET ’GOOD’ FOR INDIGENOUS AUSTRALIANS, TONY ABBOTT SAYS. All comment is superfluous. Four days after reading that unbelievable headline, on Australia Day, I once again flew my Australian Flag at home. The very next day one of my neighbours made a statement by flying the Indigenous Flag in front of his home. Part of his history is indigenous. We then had a companionable conversation during which it irrevocably dawned on me that those who identify with that indigenous flag, who see in it the connection with ‘their’ history, their sense of the sacred, their hopes and dreams, would hardly have reason to think with joy about ‘the colours’ of the Union Jack. Consider what Lieutenant Cook wrote in his journal while the Endeavour was anchored in Botany Bay in late April, 1770. ‘I hoisted the colours and in the Name of His Majesty King George took possession of the whole eastern coast…’ I understand why so many first nations people of this land see January 26 as ‘Invasion Day’, but I believe the disaster which befell them should be dated from Cook’s actions in Botany Bay in April, 1770. And disaster it was. ’We’ subsequently dismissed any sense the indigenous population had of home and homeland, ‘we’ treated their sacred world with contempt, ‘we’ rendered them invisible and therefore dismissable, and thereby ‘we’ took away all cause for hope. And then, as they reeled in their lostness, ‘we’ declared them ‘hopeless’. Here’s a truth about me about which I am utterly remorseful. I was racist in my beliefs. Surely still am in subtle ways I just don’t recognise. Also, I was trained to be so, by teaching and by communal osmosis. I repent. Australia has a crucial remembrance day coming up in just over a year – the 250th anniversary of Cook’s arrival. We therefore have a wonderfully open window of opportunity to do some serious soul-searching of what it means to be an Australian in a humble, honest, gracious and inclusive way. There has recently been strong agitation to rethink the words of the national anthem. It is just as important, if not more so, to reconsider the flag from the viewpoint of indigenous Australians. The flag must include them too. That’s the reason I asked a friend to commission a personal flag for me to fly outside my home on significant days. It’s the regular flag with the British ensign in the top left corner with the Indigenous flag in the bottom left corner. That recognisable indigenous symbol is located on the bottom corner where it highlights that the people it represents are foundational in our Australian community. It speaks strongly to the inadequacy of what we have now, but I believe it points us to the possibilities of the future.” Fred Veerhuis, Woonona, NSW. March 2019

Wednesday, December 07, 2022

CP 296 Day 8 - A sunset conversation

CP 296 Day 8 – A sunset conversation Gabriel: My God and Lord, all the angels are outraged at what the humans have done today. Your glorious name has been dishonoured and your perfect will has been scorned. All my fellow angels are asking what they can do to bring you comfort? We are ready to serve as you desire. The Lord God: Thank you Gabriel. It has been a sad day. But I declare to you now that this dishonouring of my name will be overturned. What has happened today cannot stand! I will not accept this abomination in my creation. This evil will be undone. Whatever is required to turn back this wickedness, whatever it takes, we will do. Gabriel: Holy Lord, the humans have surrendered the glorious dominion with which you blessed them. Your image in them is now so defiled that it is barely recognizable at all. This could not have happened if you had not given the humans free will and a free choice. The Lord God: Gabriel, it could be no other way. I fashioned the man and woman in my own image to have joyful and free fellowship with me. It was always a risk, but there is no joy in the friendship of puppets. I cannot seek worship and fellowship from souls that are as robots. The humans had to be allowed the possibility of turning away from me. If they are to live in my presence, if they are to be with me, it must be their free choice to worship and honour me. Michael: God and Lord, we cannot understand how the man and the woman, whom you created to bless with your perfect communion, could do this evil thing and treat your holy loving heart with such contempt? Their actions have brought a darkness over the creation. Do you wish us to destroy them? The Lord God: Michael, it is true that this is an evil day. However, it is not my will, nor is it in my heart, to remove them completely from my care. Even though their actions are a rejection of me I want them back. I will forgive them and restore them. Yes, I want them back! Michael: We know that behind this evil thing that has happened against you there is Lucifer, who also challenged your glory and your will. Surely now you will to bring him to account. All those angels you have placed under my charge stand ready to do battle for vengeance on your behalf. We await your orders. The Lord God: Michael, Lucifer will suffer my wrath. We will deal with him at the right time and destroy the basis for all the power he has. It will happen in a way that he cannot expect or plan for. Michael: Do you mean, Lord, that you already have a plan for him? The Lord God: Yes Michael, I do. However, there is much to do before he will experience the fullness of my wrath. I will reduce him to the point of complete powerlessness. His impotence will be his final – and worst - eternal punishment. But first, we will reverse what was done. Sometime later… a more intimate conversation The Son: Father, this situation calls for deep thought. If we are to succeed with our goal to overturn what Adam and Eve have done, surely someone will need to go from here to the earth. The Father: My Son you are right. We made Adam in our image but he has been rebelliously unfaithful to me. He chose to believe the lie of the great liar. The one we send on our behalf must be ever-obedient while he is there. He must be holy, and prove himself by remaining holy in the face of any and all attacks from that murderer and deceiver. The Spirit: Yes Father, I see both the wisdom and necessity in what you say. Perfect faithfulness to you and to your word will be essential for whichever servant undertakes this mission in your name. The Son: Yes, Spirit, you are right. Whoever goes must go as a servant, a servant who breathes with a heart of unrelenting humility and love. Father, Adam was the shining star among all we created. There was nothing humble about his abject surrender to the temptation of selfish ambition and pride. We created him in your image, but it remains true that he was created. The creature grasped upwards to be equal with us. The mission of our servant will be lowly and lonely. Father: Of course. For that very reason the servant we send must be fully human. His call will be to confront the evil one in the same nature as Adam. That means it will not be possible to gift him with the majesty, knowledge and powers that we ourselves have at our disposal. The Spirit: Then his mission will be very difficult. The man Adam was quickly overcome by the guile of the tempter. Our servant will have to be tempted in every way and yet not sin. The Son: Difficult certainly. Our servant will need to guard his heart with great care. But not impossible. It can be done provided our servant listens to you Father and draws all the strength and knowledge he will need from every word you speak. He must rely on you at all times. That will be the only way he can live on Adam’s behalf the life that Adam failed to live. The Father: That is correct. What causes me to tremble is that a perfectly obedient and faithful life, on its own, is not enough. More is required. Much more. The Spirit: Father, I know you are saddened by the events of this day, but I sense a deep reluctance about what will be commanded of the servant. The Father: O my Spirit, we understand each other very well. I have said that it is my will to forgive the humans their mortal sin, and then restore my image in them. For that to happen my servant must not only live a perfect life on behalf of the humans but he must also willingly draw their sin into himself. Not only that. Since the humans are now subject to death the Redeemer must therefore also die a worthy death on their behalf. It will not be enough to confront sin and death. The one I send must embrace sin and death. That will be the only way the power of sin and death, and the power of the evil one, can be destroyed. It is the only possible way Adam and Eve, or any of their offspring, can ever again live with me. The Spirit: Father, I shudder at what you have just said. The one we send will go to live and die as a substitute for the couple and their offspring. He will be called to go without the personal possession of any of our majesty or powers. His acceptance of his task must be free and he will be called to be utterly reliant on us, and faithful and obedient to us. He will undertake a noble work in your name. Yet even now, I sense that you have still another word to speak. The Father: Yes, there is still one more thing. We already know it will be necessary for my servant to give his life in exchange for many. One human could give his life for another human. That is the value of a life. But my servant’s life must cover the value of all human lives. In other words, the one who goes in my name must also share in my divine nature. That is the only way our servant’s life can be the ransom price for Adam and his descendants. [In an instant all movement in the heaven ceases. A holy silent awe permeates the heavens. Within the silence there is intense grief. There is also a swelling hope. It is a time of raw love. The Spirit engages the Father and the Son with comfort and wisdom. The Son receives what the Spirit is giving and beholds the face of the Father. The Father too draws in the grace of the Spirit and looks with unfathomable love on his beloved Son. The silence continues. The whole company of heaven holds its breath…] Finally the Father speaks: ‘Whom shall I send?’ It is the Son who responds: ‘Here am I! Send me.’ ************************************************************************** The mindset of Christ Jesus: ‘Who, being in very nature God, did not consider equality with God something to be used to his own advantage; 7 rather, he made himself nothing by taking the very nature of a servant, being made in human likeness. 8 And being found in appearance as a man, he humbled himself by becoming obedient to death - even death on a cross! 9 Therefore God exalted him to the highest place and gave him the name that is above every name…’ Philippians 2:6-9 ************************************************************************* ‘For God so loved the world that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life.’ John 3:16 RSV ‘A shoot will come up from the stump of Jesse; from his roots a Branch will bear fruit. 2 The Spirit of the LORD will rest on him— the Spirit of wisdom and of understanding, the Spirit of counsel and of might, the Spirit of the knowledge and fear of the LORD - 3 and he will delight in the fear of the LORD.’ Isaiah 11:1-3 ‘The Word became flesh and made his dwelling among us. We have seen his glory, the glory of the one and only Son, who came from the Father, full of grace and truth.’ John 1:14 ‘And we all, who with unveiled faces contemplate the Lord’s glory, are being transformed into his image with ever-increasing glory, which comes from the Lord, who is the Spirit.’ 2 Corinthians 3:18 Fred Veerhuis