CrossPurposes 285 When you are overwhelmed
friends, I trust you have hope in
the midst of the fear and craziness which produces 'the tormented music of our
world'. It's been a long time since you last heard from me.
Recently one of my dearest friends wrote to me
to thank me and encourage me for something I wrote over a year ago. He's always
been one of my 'encouragers', and he added an attachment which I've included
here because it was so on the money for me.
God is not done so we do not lose
Meyer: I can imagine people reading this interview who are
overwhelmed. What would I say directly to them if I were sitting across from
them? I’d say “don’t lose heart because God is not done.”
If we saw a stadium in the early stages of
being built when it’s just a big hole in the ground, we’d doubt the architect’s
design if we thought the work was done. In the same way, we have to remember
that we can’t judge our Father’s design for your life because it’s not finished
yet. He’s not done.
We see this same point time and time again as
we read the Bible. God wasn’t done when Joseph was in prison, when Jeremiah
was in the pit, or when Jonah
was in the fish. He wasn’t done
when Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego were in the fire, and when Daniel
was in the lion’s den. He wasn’t
done when Pharaoh was oppressing the Israelites,
when Haman was plotting against Mordecai,
when Herod was killing infants, and when
Saul was persecuting Christians. He
wasn’t done when Sarah’s womb was barren, when Ruth was a widow, and when the
virgin Mary was told she would bear a son. He was not
done when Naaman had leprosy, when
Bartimaeus was blind, and when
Lazarus was dead. He was not done
when Noah built an ark, when
Aaron made a golden calf, and when
David took a census. He was not
done when Goliath taunted the armies of
Israel, when Jezebel killed the prophets of
Israel, and when the Babylonians destroyed the temple of
And don’t forget that he wasn’t done when Jesus
was rejected by his
hometown, betrayed by Judas, deserted by his
disciples, denied by Peter, tried by the
Sanhedrin, condemned by
Pilate, mocked by the
soldiers, nailed to the cross,
and buried in Joseph’s tomb.
The tomb is empty. Our
Saviour is risen. Our God is working all things for the good of those who love
him and are called according to his purpose (Romans 8:28). What more
evidence do you need? God isn’t done with you. It doesn’t matter where you are
or where you’ve been—God is not done so we do not lose heart."
Jason C. Meyer (PhD, The Southern Baptist
Theological Seminary) is pastor for preaching and vision at Bethlehem Baptist
Church and associate professor of New Testament at Bethlehem College and
Seminary, USA
Peace, my friends. God is not done… so we do
not lose heart!